Davidoff Signature 2000
- Country of Produce: Dominican Republic
- Cigar Size: Corona
- Length: 129mm (5 1/16 ″)
- Ring Gauge: 43
- Body: Mild to Medium
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Ecuador
Signature stands out amongst others. Every 30 seconds, an aficionado somewhere in the world enjoys a Davidoff Signature 2000, as its creamy and sophisticated flavours make it the perfect cigar for every occasion. The line has brought forth several icons of the cigar world including formats with a pigtail.
Since the classic corona with a little larger ring gauge allows for a higher percentage of Dominican Piloto tobacco, the Davidoff Signature 2000 is the most versatile cigar in the range. Initially, modest flavours of oak wood are heightened by scents of barley and toasted wheat. In the second third, smooth cream and brown sugar notes complement scents of floral spice. As the cigar comes to its close, pronounced flavours of cedar wood and dried fruit pair with notes of black pepper. Signature's typical creamy aftertaste is especially present in the 2000.
Signature is the essence of time beautifully filled. The line is blended with high-quality volado tobaccos that deliver smooth flavours and a mild intensity. Signature is ideal for novices and aficionados in the mood for a smooth and sophisticated cigar.