Fox House Blend Cigars
Explore our own exclusive range, demonstrating our desire to create exceptional cigar experiences.
LEARN MOREHow It All Began
When we first started putting our heads together with our colleagues in James J. Fox London, we wanted to establish a clear objective for the new cigars.
That ultimately turned out to be manifold – firstly, to create cigars that deliver complexity of flavours and evolve through every stage. It also became clear to us early in the process that we want them to be an homage to generations gone by – blending, importing, and bringing to market cigars specially tailored to our customers preferences.
Rob Fox and Hamlet Paredes presenting the Fox House Blend during the launch event at the iconic James J. Fox London store.
For us and ours
We take pride in presenting the only cigars currently in production that were conceived and developed exclusively for the discerning Irish and UK palates.
Fox House Blend forgoes bands and boxes, relying on a simple ribbon instead – a nod to a bygone era when cigars were showcased and sold in this charming manner.
Designed and manufactured by experienced cigar experts in James J. Fox, with help from Hamlet Paredes and Oscar Valladares.
The Cigars
The Fox House Blend cigars have a high-quality, substantial Colorado wrapper; rich and oily. As the cigar warms up it delivers flavour of sweet, spice and earthiness. The draw is perfect; unimpeded yet still requiring a slight effort. As the cigar progresses it remains sweet and earthy also developing grassy notes with spice. Hints of minerality and clean tobacco lingers as a defined aftertaste. Towards the end of the cigar sweetness is still present with a contrasting pleasant bitterness like dark chocolate, also delicate leather undertones.
Fox House Blend
Size: 5x50
Fox House Blend
Size: 6x52
Fox House Blend
Size: 7x47
The art of making cigars is a centuries-old tradition that has been passed down through generations, evolving into a complex and highly skilled craft. It begins with the careful selection of tobacco leaves, with each variety lending its unique flavours and characteristics to the final product. Master blenders skillfully combine different types of tobacco to create the desired blend, a process akin to composing a symphony of flavors.
Once the blend is perfected, skilled torcedores, or cigar rollers, meticulously hand-roll the cigars, ensuring that each one is uniform in shape and density. This delicate process requires both precision and experience, as the leaves must be wrapped and secured just right to ensure a smooth and even burn. The art of rolling cigars is not just about craftsmanship but also a connection to the culture and history of the regions where this tradition thrives, from Cuba to Honduras, Nicaragua and beyond.
After rolling, the cigars are left to rest and age, allowing the flavors to meld and mature. This aging process, often referred to as "marrying," is where the magic happens, and the cigars develop their full character and complexity. The result is a product that embodies the rich heritage and artistry of cigar making, offering connoisseurs a sensory journey that transcends time and place.
Your Destination For Premium Cigars in Ireland
Our store has been catering to cigar aficionados in Ireland and beyond since 1881 – that's over 140 years! Five generations on from the day James J. Fox first opened the door in 119 Grafton Street, our iconic location has evolved into the top destination for fans of premium cigars, as well as Irish whiskey and other excellent spirits from around the world.
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