Davidoff Grand Cru No. 3
- Country of Produce: Dominican Republic
- Cigar Size: Corona
- Length: 129mm (5 1/16 ″)
- Ring Gauge: 43
- Body: Mild to Medium
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Ecuador
In 1946, Zino Davidoff entertained the idea to launch an innovative cigar line that was created and crafted just like Bordeaux wines. Thus, the legendary line we know as Grand Cru today was born, named in reference to the world of wine.
The unmistakably sophisticated Grand Cru blend springs from only the finest leaves from the most carefully selected fields and makes for mild and lightly floral cigars with a sweet finish. The corona format of Davidoff Grand Cru No. 3 enables the Davidoff Master Blenders to use a higher percentage of Dominican Piloto tobacco. This emphasises the spicy component of this complex blend. Initially, creamy notes of oak wood complement aromas of dried fruit. In the second third, delectable hazelnuts mingle with flavours of wheat and liquorice. As the cigar comes to its close, fresh spice and dried flowers balance intensified aromas of oak wood.