- Country of Produce: Honduras
- Cigar Size: Carlota
- Factory Name: Carlota N3 2023
- Length: 152mm (6″)
- Ring Gauge: 38
- Body: Mild to Medium
- Filler: Honduras / Nicaragua
- Binder: Honduras
- Wrapper: Honduras
Approachable attitude in an everyday cigar, the Carlota boasts a mild-to-medium body and a plethora of flavours. The first third is chocolate-y with leather warmth, leaving on to an earthy spice with creamy sweetness and finishing with a nod to fruit and nut chocolate. A perfect everyday cigar for the novice and seasoned smoker alike.
The makers intended to mix the experience of Montecristo Especial No. 2 and La Gloria Cubana Medaille d'Or No. 4 – we can imagine this becoming an everyday cigar for many!