- Country of Produce: Honduras
- Cigar Size: Canonazo
- Factory Name: Cañonazo Amante VI 2023
- Length: 152mm (6″)
- Ring Gauge: 52
- Body: Medium
- Filler: Honduras / Nicaragua
- Binder: Honduras
- Wrapper: Honduras
Honduran-made, the Canonazo is a multi-faceted cigar, with an interesting progression throughout each third. With a light honey and coffee bean opening, it meanders thoughtfully through to espresso notes and builds to a nutty, leather finish. This medium-bodied cigar (occasionally poking into medium-full) is sure to please the aficionado and intermediate smoker alike!
The makers aimed to replicate sweetness typical for aged Cohiba or Por Larranaga cigars – they recommend acclimating the cigars in the humidor for ~30 days to unleash their complete flavour potential.