- Country of Produce: Nicaragua
The Oliva Cigar Selection comes with four premium handmade cigars from a well-renowned Nicaraguan brand, Oliva. Order the sampler option to receive cigars only, or upgrade to a gift set with basic accessories (a jet lighter and a double-blade cutter), making it an excellent gift idea for both new and experienced cigar smokers that they'll be able to enjoy right away. Each set contains:
- This selection contains Oliva Cigars, supplied in a James J. Fox sleeve:
- 1x Oliva Serie V No. 4 🇳🇮
(medium to full, length 127mm, 43 ring gauge) - 1x Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Figurado 🇳🇮
(full, length 165mm, 52 ring gauge) - 1x Oliva Serie O Robusto 🇳🇮
(medium to full, length 127mm, 50 ring gauge) - 1x Flor de Oliva Robusto 🇳🇮
(mild to medium, length 127mm, 50 ring gauge)
- Upgrade to a Gift Set to include:
- 1x James J. Fox Single-Jet Lighter
- 1x James J. Fox Double-Blade Cigar Cutter
- Set supplied in a black gift box