- Country of Produce: Dominican Republic
- Cigar Size: Robusto
- Length: 127mm (5")
- Ring Gauge: 48
- Body: Full
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Nicaragua
Davidoff Nicaragua stimulates in both a sweet and bitter way. The cigar offers intense flavours typical for Nicaraguan cigars combined with the perfect construction and balance of a Davidoff cigar.
Introducing Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed: a cigar which brings uncharted territories of taste, stirring the senses of those who discover them. The spice has been boosted with a fiery Esteli Ligero leaf that complements aged Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega tobaccos for a complex bitter sweet palate stimulation. A richer, sharper Habano Nicaragua Oscuro wrapper then rolls the experience into a dynamic box pressed format to liberate enhanced flavours and aromas.
Fire is not easily tamed, yet the Davidoff Master Blenders have done it. You can taste the heat and intensity of the rich, volcanic soil of Nicaragua that they softened to bittersweet perfection. You will feel a fire to match the passion for fine cigars.