- Country of Produce: Dominican Republic
- Cigar Size: Robusto
- Length: 124mm (4⅞″)
- Ring Gauge: 50
- Body: Medium
- Filler: Dominican Republic
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Ecuador
Davidoff Aniversario, which was first released in 1986 to commemorate Zino Davidoff's 80th birthday, is a celebration of life itself. Aniversario always produces extraordinary moments.
To make the right medium-intense cigar to occupy time nicely, unconventional harmonies of tobaccos from three distinct levels of the plant are combined together. Aniversario Special R's larger ring gauge gives an extraordinarily pleasant flavour experience. The exquisitely complex robusto begins with herbaceous scents that are balanced by warm flavours of cedar wood and cream. In the second third, roasted nuts dominate the citrus and fresh spice flavours. As the cigar nears its conclusion, hints of fresh spice blend with flavours of walnuts and cedar wood.
Blended with mostly visus tobaccos, Aniversario exemplifies the perfect medium-intense cigar. The line is renowned for its diverse formats and elegant complexity, with each format offering a unique taste experience.