- Country of Produce: Nicaragua
- Cigar Size: Petit Corona
- Length: 127mm (5″)
- Ring Gauge: 43
- Body: Full
- Filler: Nicaragua
- Binder: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Nicaragua Habano
The Cain Daytona 543 No. 4 cigars are a captivating addition to the esteemed Cain cigar line, renowned for its bold and intense smoking experiences. These cigars are crafted with an exceptional blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that have been expertly aged to perfection. The centrepiece of the Cain Daytona 543 is its stunning Habano wrapper, sourced from the fertile fields of Nicaragua. This wrapper leaf showcases a gorgeous reddish-brown hue and a smooth, oily texture that adds to its visual appeal.
Once lit, the Cain Daytona 543 delivers a robust and full-bodied smoking experience that is sure to captivate enthusiasts seeking a powerful flavour profile. The blend features a combination of ligero tobaccos, known for their rich and intense flavours, creating a complex palate of earthiness, dark chocolate, black pepper, and subtle hints of sweetness. The construction of these cigars is impeccable, ensuring a consistent draw and a slow, even burn that allows the flavours to develop and evolve throughout the smoking session. With its bold character and intense flavours, the Cain Daytona 543 is a perfect choice for seasoned cigar aficionados who crave a memorable and invigorating smoking experience.