- Country of Produce: Honduras
- Cigar Size: Churchill
- Length: 178mm (7″)
- Ring Gauge: 50
- Body: Mild to Medium
- Filler: Honduras
- Binder: Honduras
- Wrapper: Honduras
The Aliados brand, likely known to more seasoned cigar smokers, has recently made a comeback upon coming into ownership of the Vandermarliere family – a name that's also behind establishments such as Oliva Cigar Co.
The Original line is not a direct copy of the Aliados blend of the past – instead, the makers decided to transform it into a Honduran Puro, while maintaining a similar flavour profile to the one designed originally by Rolando Reyes.
The Honduran terroir lends dry, vibrant earth notes with some spiciness and, at later stages, subtle creaminess joins in.